Jul 12, 2007

The end of a really, really long week. It couldn't have happened at a better time. The fact that it is ending a day early is good. The feared audit went just fine (no thanks to supermom). The Princess is fever free and apparently on the mend. She wants to go shoe shopping tonight for new shoes to wear to dance camp on Saturday. That's a good sign-proof that my baby is back!
Thanks to everyone and anyone that sent up a word on her behalf. Behold the power of prayer!
In the meantime, I am dead on my feet tired, and can hear that king-size bed (which is actually more Queen/Princess/Court Jester) calling my name. The Lunesta hasn't worked too well the last few days; I sure hopes it works its magic tonight!


Supermom said...

See? It IS possible to survive an audit. :P

Glad Princess is on the mend!

The Zero Gravity Janitor said...

Wow. Love the picture!

All it needs is a little zero gravity.