Jul 27, 2007

Racin' without a Jockey

This one thought he could win without any help from the jockey, so he bucked him off at the starting gate. He finished with the rest of them, but didn't score. Kinda reminds me of an agnostic; you think you can win the race, but without God to guide you, you don't have anything to show for the race.


Supermom said...

These photos make me sad. It reminds me of Barboro.

OK, I know I probably butchered that spelling but I'm too tired to google it.

How ya doin' clucky? Feeling better?

My son had heart racing, pounding and pains for a while about 2 years ago. Saw a pediatric cardiologist. They put him on a heart monitor. Freaked the hell out of me. Nothing ever showed up in tests. Hadn't had an incident since those few months. So I'm knocking on wood....

(yes, I'm banging on my the table.)

CluckyRN said...

My son went to Dr. Gaymes at UMC when he was 5. His EKG is haywire, but they decided it was okay.

Go figure.

I am present and accounted for. My regular doc put me on antibiotics for this hellacious sinus infection. I am convinced that's the root of the problem. If I am still yucky feeling on Monday, he wants me to come back in for beta-blockers.

Oh joy.


Supermom said...

oh joy - NOT!

That's who my son saw, too.

Left-n-76 said...

Hey Clucky, remember that Docs' took the Hippocratic Oath...but they just bury their mistakes.

Get well soon...I don't believe in Docs!

dwb said...

Clucky-- Do you know Marty Williams? He was the complex HR in Carthage until a year ago.

CluckyRN said...

I heard about what happened-and that he is in CCU. Where is he now, AR? We heard about it from our former HR mgr that moved to the Coast.

It's a small world...will keep him in my prayers.


dwb said...

Yes, He is in AR. My husband is there and Marty is doing much better than yesterday at this time. He still need all the prayers he can get.

CluckyRN said...

Is your hubby a member of what we call the 'Carthage Exodus'?

Glad to hear he's better.

dwb said...

He is trying to be. He is still in Carthage but interviewing anywhere there is an opening.