Sep 18, 2007


I don't know who the kid is that drew that pic, but I wanted to print it and hang it on the door of a coworker.

I love my blog life. I'm gonna miss it.


Supermom said...

SUCKS, SUCKS, SUCKS...about your "situation"....


Susan said...

Just wrong. That's just plain wrong. Some people need to get over themselves and leave others alone.

Probably just jealous of your blog-coolness.

dwb said...

Some people need to get a life. If all they have to do is watch and complain about other people's behavior, they have a real problem. So sorry clucky.

CluckyRN said...

It came from your hubby's dept, dwb...have y'all moved yet?


dwb said...

He has moved and I will leave on 9/28. Are you in Forest or Carthage? Snitches are not the kind of people he wants in HR

dwb said...

One day this person will need you to get their back and I am not sure you will have seen anything

BB said...

wth? that sucks hairy donkey balls from one west nile survivor to another! :(

dwb said...

Most snitches are trying to save their own sorry a(*&^%ss. What they don't realize is that now they will be watched closer. BTW, my hubby does not know who I talk to.

dwb said...

hairy donkey balls!!! I love that, may I use it

CluckyRN said...

dwb, feel free to use my hairy donkey balls anytime. Heh. Shoot me an email-see my profile page. Maybe we can do lunch before you leave!

The culprit is in Union..just came here from 'bama. Bless her heart. The one who crawled my tail is in Forest.

I got a feeling I will be on the road the rest of the week. If I stay there, I may EXPLODE.


eener said...

I have always wanted to say this... *SNITCHES end up in DITCHES!!!* hahah so sorry about the chicken crap you are going thru.....

Stacey said...

Awww, dude, it was YOU! Freakin lame!!!! You need to find some minor infraction your co-worker pulls and snitch on them too.

Or... um, you could be the bigger person. (boring.)

That sucks.

mayberry said...

At least you got the honor of being called one of MR's "favorite bloggers"?? =( sorry you've had a crappy week.