Sep 19, 2007

My New Best Friend

Allergies. I hate 'em.
And now it seems they hate
me back. Claritin, Flonase,
Singulair...take me away.
I prefer the route that
does NOT include the
Sea of Snot. I am convinced
that someday, I'm drowning
from ragweed, bahaya grass, cat day they will cut hay and find me dead from drowning. Just wait & see.


BB said...

you poor soul! my hubby suffers from the same thing. may the force be with you... ;)

BB said...

btw, we need to find a way to manufacture snot...hmmm....

Supermom said...

speaking of not feeling good...

do you or do you not have CHF?

or do you not even know?

the peeps are confused

Nunnie's Attic said...

So sorry to hear about your allergy woes. I have them as well and this time of the year is the worst for me. When the beautiful Goldenrod blooms so do my allergies. I normally end up with bronchitis. Have you tried Zyrtec D? It works much better for me than Claritin, Allegra and Singulair combined. I've tried them all and I really can't stand the nose sprays. They just make me sneeze. But I got one of those too.

Good Luck!

CluckyRN said...

This peep is too.

Yes-I had a positive BNP. Yes, I am still on Lasix and Toprol for my heart.

Yes, I do BUT it has not damaged my heart, and it is coming from somewhere else-it's a secondary problem. Our job now is to find the primary cause: sleep apnea? Medication? Kidney Problems? Stress? WANTING TO KILL? (just kidding)

The cardiologist told me my heart works TOO ejection fraction is 80%...normal is around 55%.. He said my heart goes flat and almost empties completely with every beat. Sorry, but that's not an engine we want running without oil. I am on Lasix to pull fluid off-my ankles disappear by noon every day without it. But (you gonna love this) I have to drink PLENTY OF FLUIDS to keep my circulating volume high enough. I'm on 80mg a day...for someone with 'good kidneys', that is a lot of lasix. Now I don't pee without it. (Lovely, no?)

No,I still haven't answered your question. When I find out, I will let you know. My primary doc has had his thumb (or head) up his ass since I finished at the cardiologist. Today is a good day to call and bug them about this..

CluckyRN said...

Julie,Read This!

AM said...

Girl, I be feelin' ya on dem allergies...I'm allergic to all, what is the tally 61 scratches? and some things they don't scratch for.....and bullshit.


Webmaster said...

I think there's something going around, too. I've never had allergies in my life, but this sore throat has been hanging around since Monday. :(

Supermom said...


dwb said...

Clucky, I am having trouble emailing you. call me 601-750-3424. now isn't that stupid give digits on the web!!!!

Nunnie's Attic said...

Clucky - thanks for the information! You're the 2nd person in as many days to tell me that. I guess it's the high ragweed and pollen this time of year. I know that I'm allergic to them for sure. Some people have seasonal allergies - I have year long allergies. Hope you're not like me.

Christy said...

Clucky I hope you are feeling better. You seem to have luck as bad as mine here lately.. Glad to see youare still around.

Dwb....henh henh henh...I am calling at now at ALL hours of the night to order a pizza with extra cheese!!