Oct 16, 2007


We went to the ENT today for Miss Thang's tonsil issues. Well....3 weeks from tomorrow, the tonsils and adenoids are coming OUT. This is my 3rd child, and the caboose, so you think it wouldn't freak me out. WRONG.

I'm terrified.

Tomorrow night is my sleep study. Just in time to screw up Private Practice. I am so glad that abc.com has their episodes online.

Peace out.


BB said...

wine and smokes help with the tension. when would you like to meet?

p.s. you're in my thoughts. xoxo

mayberry said...

Hang in there chick - Mini-me had her adenoids out last Christmas and while it was extremely scary, she is all the better for having it done. Everything will be fine.

AM said...

So it never gets easier, huh? Why do these people keep lying to me?

Webmaster said...

Best of luck to miss thang!

Supermom said...

she'll be fine. just take black betty up on her offer. :-)

watercolordaisy said...


Stacey said...

Poor little angel :( I'd be pretty much terrified too.

I had my adenoids taken out when I was 4, but the kooky doctor decided it'd be best if I kept my tonsils. I told a doctor about 5 years ago that I had my adenoids out but not my tonsils and he gave me this "Yeah, I'm a doctor, you're an idiot" look and wrote something down on my chart. I asked if he wanted to take a look, and he did and the look of surprise that spread across his face was mighty satisfying.