Jun 21, 2008

Bye Bye, Rusty :(

Sad way to start the day.My three year old poodle, Rusty, who was more like my best friend, died after being struck by a car this morning.We have already buried him.I have called the huge black and white cockapoo "Russ" at least once this morning already.We tried to find a home for Dayzee (the cockapoo) several times, but Russ's affection for her always changed our minds. Now she is ours to stay.I miss my baby.~:<


Stacey said...

Oh honey, I'm so sorry. What an awful couple of days for you. Hugs.

Susan said...

Oh no! How sad. My deepest sympathy. I'm going to go hug my pup now. (Casper sends his love, too.)

watercolordaisy said...

ohno! I am so sorry hun. hugs.

dhcoop said...

Clucky, I'm so very sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you.

From the Doghouse said...

I'm so sorry to hear about this.