Jun 8, 2008

So now I have music...

And it may drive you nuts. BUT...if you pay attention, the songs actually make up a story. (Work with me...)
They meet, fall in love, he cheats and they split up. She finds out she's pregnant; has the baby who she also loses. Despair, Depression, Rock Bottom. Finds out he's getting married, attends his wedding and (like I said..WORK WITH ME) meets someone new on the way home...they chat/email/meet again and fall in love. This is the one she is meant to spend the rest of her life with.
The End :)
This is a work of fiction, any resemblence to actual events are entirely coincidental.



From the Doghouse said...

This is OBVIOUSLY a country song.

Blogger said...

hey hun where you been. we are having a mrba night. check it out.