Jul 29, 2008

Seventeen Years Ago....

"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls for he has no one to help him up."Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 New King James Version

Cody & Matt
April 19, 2008

Seventeen years ago today:

9:00am Appt with Dr. Harris who finally decided that 40wks+5 days was LONG ENOUGH. NST looks good. Blood Pressure is through the roof, but I'm not having headaches. Gained 9 pounds in the last 4 days. 4+ pitting edema to mid-thigh. Scheduled C/Sec for 8:00 in the morning.

10:00 Got the message to Mom & Daddy, so they could call his doctor so he will FINALLY start chemo and radiation day after tomorrow for metastatic adenocarcinoma of the lungs. Would not start treatment until the boys were born and he could see me & boys before going to V.A. Hospital.

11:00 Lunch at Shoney's. GORGED MYSELF on chicken fried steak and sweet tea :) We called it "The Last Meal."

12:30 Home, called everyone to let them know, but of course, everyone is at THE FAIR. Dammit.

1:00-5:00 Slept like the dead.

5:00 Bathed in MY tub, shaved my legs (ok, ok..there is NO WAY IN H3LL I could have shaved my own legs. I had not seen my feet in 2 months (okay, OKAY..THREE MONTHS), so Baby Daddy shaved my legs for me :)

6:00-11:00pm Packed and repacked and packed again. We are taking half the house with us to the hospital! Fed kitties, hit the road to Meridian.

12:00 Midnight Walked into the hospital, kicked off the size 11 wides that I could only get my toes into anyway, and walked my ginormous @$$ through the hospital BAREFOOT AND DEFINITELY PREGNANT!

*I won't go into details, but let me say I was violated in places this chicken didn't know she HAD. I tried to be nice. I wasn't even a nurse back then. I thought 4+ protein in my tee-tee was a GOOD thing! My B/P is 210/180? Is that high? (DOH!)*

On July 30, 1991
9:35:04 Matthew arrived, 6#10oz, 19 1/2"
9:35:52, Cody arrived, 7# , 20 1/4"

Happy Birthday, Son (s)



I love you!


tank said...

That was a good birth weight for twins! Happy Birthday boys, uh, men.

black betty said...

happy burfday, boys!! :D

mayberry said...

You don't look old enough to have 17 year olds.

Supermom said...

your boys are so awesome. you have every right to be proud.

From the Doghouse said...


watercolordaisy said...

Very cool! Agree, you do not look old enough to have 17 year olds, and they are great so definitely be proud Mama!!