Mar 31, 2009


The little black & white interloper than joined me on my ride home one day from Magee. Laid down on the seat like the owned the joint, then slept for the next two hours. What a cool cat. She and Sabrina (the Laughing Cat) don't gee-haw too well, and right now, Gris is dealing with eye ointment twice a day thanks to a scratch on her cornea. They both love me...and so does Rummy (Donald Rumsfeld-the Man Cat) It's a veritible love fest at bedtime every night...and Lord, let's not forget Dayzee Loo, the Psycho Dog-who, these days, has decided the floor is roomier and doesn't kick so much.
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dhcoop said...

She is so pretty!

From the Doghouse said...

I'm with the dog!

mayberry said...

She's purty.

dhcoop said...

I could have sworn I commented on this post yesterday, but it's gone. I said she sure is a pretty girl!

The Topiary Cow said...

Awww. Cat luuuurve....almost as good as Topiary luuuurve....

Sounds like a very cool cat! Glad you are providing a comfy home!
