May 20, 2009

Over the Hill


I lived to tell about it. 'Nuf said.
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Susan said...

Oh hush. You'll do 40 beautifully. At least you already have the lessons of the 30's behind you. I wouldn't re-do my 20's for anything!

From the Doghouse said...

Lookin' good!

Allison said...

"You are so beautiful to me...."

And, on the flip side, if you're over the hill, shouldn't things get easier from there? One would think.......

watercolordaisy said...

Don't be saying that over the hill crap! I'm older than you and I don't see no hill! Happy B day!

black betty said...

girl, you need to send me a good email for you. i've been sending invites to you for my blog and you no accept. :(

happy late burfday!!!