Aug 8, 2006

Retained, but Uncontained...

Morgan has a retainer. At the ripe old age of 7, we have already begun the long orthodontic journey. Anyone who would like to send donations, we are accepting :-)

It is THIS COLOR with glitter that looks like this. She was terrified before we got there~even called her daddy to see if he could come hold her hand. She thought she would be having 'surgery like the boys did...' That was 3 years ago~how does she remember that???

I can't remember if I took my blood pressure pill half the time...I'm pretty sure I take it every day, judging by the rate the level in the bottle drops and my BP is normal, but around noon every day I have this panicky feeling that I forgot and I am going to have a stroke.

If you look at the picture attached, you will see why I have that heart attack/stroke/panic attack feeling every day :P

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