Jul 27, 2007

Wednesday Evening at the Races

The heart races, that is.
Palpitations, shortness of breath, left jaw and shoulder pain on and off all day. I went to the ER as soon as I got back in town. This earned me a nice (NOT) round of 3 nitroglycerin, an aspirin and the wonderful ride of DEMEROL. Holy buzzes, Batman!
I was then transferred to Hurry Hospital (if you don't get it, you don't live here) and a night's stay in their ER Observation Unit. Thursday found me in the Cardiac Lab for a nice (NOT) stress test. 3 minutes on the treadmill had my heart rate in the 170-180 range-hard time breathing and hyperventilating because I was SCARED TO DEATH.
Guess what? Yep, the adenosine stress test. Basically, inject meds into me that imitate running on the treadmill. Great! (NOT!!!)
The good news is that my heart is GREAT! The other news is that gee, they aren't sure what caused it-could have been the Adipex, of which I have only taken ONE HALF OF A TABLET IN A WEEK. Sounds like BS to me-and all I have is 2 armbands and bruises galore-not to mention those wonderful round sticky spots all over my chest. Not to mention missing Trace Adkins at the Fair.
I was told to take off work until Monday. Now, though, I am too weak to go to the Fair; my knees are shaking when I stand-and get this-I HAD FEVER THE WHOLE TIME AND THEY NEVER TRIED TO FIGURE OUT WHY. HMMM. IN NURSING SCHOOL I LEARNED THAT FEVER CAN INCREASE YOUR HEART RATE. Or maybe I'm just a dumbass.
Tim hauled it to Meridian in under 2 hours-and has been with me through all of this. I really need to be nicer to him.


Supermom said...

So sorry to hear about your 'excitement'. May your weekend be calmer.

Stacey said...

Holy cow, lady!!! I'm glad you're okay now, but I'm so sorry you had to go through this! *hugs*

Resister said...

OMG! You need to see a real doctor! Like at University Med Center. I know what you mean about the lack of attentive care and assessment. Nursing and medical school ain't like it used to be.

Hope you find the case and cure!