Aug 9, 2007


I have issues with socks. I love socks-I even dig for fun ones at Hudson's, Dollar General, anywhere. I have no less than 50 pair (of my own) that have patterns, obscene gestures (found at a shop in the French Quarter pre-Katrina), toe socks, you name it. Can I find a pair that MATCH? Well...HELL NO.

I have long held this theory about my childrens' socks: The Washer takes One Sock as a sacrifice to the Laundry God. Not any sock, mind you. The Sock of a Virgin. I have held this mantra close to my heart, simply because I thought as long as the boys socks never matched up, well, they were still ...ah-hem...innocent. And Morgan better NEVER have a matching pair for at least 10 more years.

However, I know there is no way in HELL my socks qualify for that post. It may not be often, but 5 pregnancies and 3 kids later kinda ruin that whole socks-of-a-virgin thing, ya know?

Does the mailman have a sock fetish? Dunno...things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmm.


Left-n-76 said...

Got to give you a hit! hmmmmm...

Susan said...

Socks at my house tend to multiply. Hmmm. Wonder what that means...

My godson usually gives me the coolest socks for Christmas. He's 5. His first Christmas I got this nifty striped red, yellow, and green toe socks with a big ol' smiley face on the foot. I still wear them every time I go visit them!

Supermom said...

This is so funny because just this morning, I washed all my son's and my dirty clothes from sweaty Universal Studios.

Went to fold them as they came out of the dryer - you guessed it. How did my son's socks come out mismatched???


The Topiary Cow said...

Ah. Socks of a VIRGIN! THAT explains it.

Tricky thing, these sacrifices.


Christy said...


I can sooooo relate! How do you wear a pair (which consist of two) and they do directly into the washer, and only one comes out! How is that??

Laundry trolls!!!!