Sep 2, 2007

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

Welcome to my Pity Party.

The A/C went out in the living room today.
My car sits dead in the garage.
My heart has gone to shit.

I would love to spend just a minute in the mind and body of someone who didn't have to worry about if they can make the house payment the same month as their kids' birthday...who didn't wake up exhausted...who doesn't have to schedule kids' activities around someone else's car...who doesn't have to help getting up from sitting because their joints are so stiff and painful...and who still thinks of their mother in a loving way, not as a vindictive bitch.

I hate being a whiny bitch.
I hate where I am right now.

Calgon, take me away.


Rebecca said...

My new central unit is in but not functioning yet. It should be working Tuesday. If you want the giant A/C out of my living room to get you through till fall, you are welcome to use it. I'll even deliver it.... if it will fit in my car. (It might not actually.) Just let me know.

Can't do much about the rest though. I've been at the emergency room with my mom with her heart more times in the last two weeks than i care to think about. I'm pretty tired to.

CluckyRN said...

We found a little one on sale at Sears for under a hundred's doing a pretty good job despite my cooking chicken alfredo in the next room :)

I am trying to pull myself out of this pool of hate & self-loathing. Wish me luck.

Miss you~

Supermom said...

Sorry about all the crap, Clucky.

Chicken Alfredo...oh my, my. Divine!

Left-n-76 said...

Just another friendly hello!! Hope you feel better Clucky!!

Rebecca said...

My super duper giant central unit is working! I'll have central heat for the first time in.... over 10 years. Seriously. So I have a great big window unit and a smaller one that you are welcome to if the heat gets to you.