Oct 22, 2007

What the Heck...

The Man Meme

1. Who is your man? Mr. Fabulous
2. How long have you been together? 5 years, 9 months
3. How long did you date? We still are
4. How old is your man?41
5. Who eats more? At one sitting? Me. While asleep? Him
6. Who said “I love you” first? Can't remember
7. Who is taller? The Man.
8. Who sings better? We both suck.
9. Who is smarter? I think we're on about the same level, even if I didn't graduate with a double major from a 4 year college. He would so argue this point.
10. Whose temper is worse? If I hide when he and the boys get into it, does that mean anything?
11. Who does the laundry? When he's home, he does it. When he's gone, the boys do it.
12. Who takes out the trash? The boys! DUH!
13. Who sleeps on the right hand side of the bed? If you're facing the bed from the footboard, he does.
14. Who pays the bills?Me.
15. Who is better with the computer?Me.
16. Who mows the lawn?Me with the riding mower...him with the push mower.
17. Who cooks dinner?Depends.
18. Who drives when you are together? Him 99% of the time.
19. Who pays when you go out?He does but it all comes out of the same pot, so does it matter?
20. Who is most stubborn? I would HAVE to say him. He's very, VERY set in his ways.
21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? he's never wrong. ASS.
22. Whose parents do you see the most? My mom lives right next door and busts in our house weekly. Does that count?
23. Who kissed who first? i'm pretty sure he started it.
24. Who asked who out?He asked me out for 3 months before I agreed.
25. Who proposed? He did on July 5, 2002. Please note we are not yet married.
26. Who is more sensitive?I'm more sensitive in the crying at sappy movies sense. He is more sensitive in getting his panties in a wad over silly crap sense.
27. Who has more friends? I do, but I don't get to go out without HIM.
28. Who has more siblings? Me-3
29. Who wears the pants in the family?I'm pretty sure that would be me.

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