Oct 23, 2007


Over and over, I listen to "Round Here" and question my reason for being. This is not a funny, happy story-it's pretty messed up, so feel free to click on to something light-hearted. My light heart has taken a hiatus, and it really needs to get back here before something stupid happens. This is disturbing even to me, but I feel I must exorcise this demon before it kills me.

The Man and I were wrestling in the bed a couple of weeks ago and he straddled me and pinned my arms to my sides. OH DEAR GOD. I couldn't breathe-I couldn't make a sound or move. For half an hour, I was paralyzed and a kid again.

From as young as I can remember until I was around 11 or 12, I was molested. Daily at times. My stepdad caught the molester and almost beat him to death when I was 5-but my mother stopped him. After all, it was her oldest son. Yeah, my big brother who is 10 years older than me. The now-alcoholic who took beatings from his dad and stepdad and has no self-esteem at all. I cannot forgive him, and have let him know if he EVER touches any of my kids, I will kill him. And he believes me.

The "He was just a kid" excuse is bullshit. I HATE HIM with every part of my being.

I had episodes with my first husband that took me years to explain to him why I would freak out.

I tried to kill myself when I was a teenager after being raped by a 'boyfriend.' I went to therapy for a few months which made me flunk Chemistry, but I never told the therapist about being molested.

Last week at my regular doctor visit, I lost it. My doc is old-80 or 81-and goes to church with my mother. I told him about it, how long, who, etc and he said "Your mother must not have known." When I told him what happened when he got caught, the doc cried with me.

I can't talk to my mother. She lives right next door to me. Several years ago at Christmas, I confronted my mother and my brother. (Such lovely holiday memories!) He said he was sorry and mom just sat there and cried-and later called me a liar. A few months later he showed up at mom's drunk as a dog. As soon as he started toward my house, I charged him and knocked him to the ground and kicked and beat the shit out of him. My husband was a paramedic and was at work and heard the scanner call for a disturbance at our address. He had to pull me off of my brother-who never tried to fight back or protect himself. Which is good, because I would have killed him.

I stay here because I am the only responsible child she has. She is diabetic and getting dementia. She barges in my house to scream at me or my kids. It takes everything I have not to just leave. But I know she will need me to wipe her ass one day, and no one else will do it. The brother is over there daily. His emaciated body makes me sick. The last time we spoke was when the heart stuff started. He came in my house, drunk and crying because 'I was gonna die.' (?) I pushed him out and told him to NEVER set foot on my property again.

My sister calls me wonderful and brave and oh so caring for staying so close to mother. I tell her what a bitch she is for moving off and leaving me with her. But I don't blame her-our dad raped her when she was 13, and mother did nothing.

How am I supposed to forgive her? I look at her now and just feel rage.


Stacey said...

Things aren't going to get better when you do have to wipe her ass. You're just going to hate her more.

Move away, let SSI or your putz of a brother take care of her when she gets old enough, and banish the toxic relationships from your life. Don't let them control you one minute longer.

Stacey said...

Oh, and *hugs*

AM said...

I'm with Stacey...move away. Why pay with the rest of your life to be bitter? I do understand how bitter you can be, as the same thing happened to two of the closest women to me in my life....along with the pain of not understanding why....I was the same way with the anxiety attacks and 3+ feet rule after I was raped....You're stronger than me for seeing that azz all the time, in my expert opinion.

Webmaster said...

They always tell you to forgive, forgive, forgive. ... But while that's all well and good, don't forget. Yes, she's your mother, but no, you don't have to put up with that crap any more!

The Topiary Cow said...

Cow is too frightened by this picture....


BB said...

first of all...i am so sorry.

second of all...i would have killed him in the front yard with a candlestick.

third of all...you don't have to forgive ANYBODY until you are ready...if you EVER are.

fourth of all...you are a wonderful lady and i'm glad i have been able to meet you.

fifth of all...i can relate to being 'the one' who takes care of EVERYBODY. i've often thought of packing up my sh*t and leaving as well. if that is what you have to do to heal, then by damn, DO IT!

sixth of all...i don't mind throwing some bizkits at folk...just give me a ring.


Christy said...

Forgive and forget? That's all up to you. As Black Betty and I have discussed at length sometimes it really sucks to be the responsible one.

I know you feel that you are the only one that will actually do the right thing by her, but maybe some outside help is needed. Hand the responsibility off to someone else for a while. It couldn't hurt.

I am so sorry you have had to endure such hell. No one should ever have to go through what you have been through. You know your BLOG family is here.


Susan said...

It takes a whole lotta guts just to put it out there. I'm glad you have a safe place here with friends. You're an incredibly strong woman to have made it so far having to fight every step. Hang in there and take care of yourself first, everybody else will be ok for a while.

CluckyRN said...

I've been taking care of myself all my life. This story may be continued to include the alcoholism, mental and physical abuse, depression, and suicide. Right now I am just trying to take one step at a time. I am 38, not 12. I, even though I have Mr.Man, am still not married and have nothing to fall back on. Being sick this week has given me too much time to think. Mr Man and I had planned to take the kids to the Beau Rivage to see Cats over the Thanksgiving holiday, but I have been informed by my mother that my sister and her family are coming for Thanksgiving. She won't show up. Out of 4 trips she plans, she MIGHT make one to Mississippi. She is 5 hours away-and damn smart for it. It just pisses me off that it's going to screw up my plans. The Princess is having her tonsils out on 11/7. I thought this would be a neat thing for her to see since her birthday is pretty well screwed. Just pray for Grace. Please. I'm not trying tobum you out-I just really need to vent and I feel like that you are my friends...even the ones who met me.

Supermom said...

I'm MORE so your friend for meeting you. ;-)

And everything: DAMN!

on Thanksgiving: go. go to Beau Rivage. You can not let a dysfunctional family plan (shaky plans at that) ruin your own family's plan.

And I agree with every other comment left here.


From the Doghouse said...

You've gone into nursing, so you help people. You're still there so you can help your mom when she needs it. Despite the bucketloads of crap you've had thrown at you, you've turned out well - which speaks volumes about you.

Go to see "Cats." She needs you and you can be there for her. That's all that matters. If the rest of the family can't understand it, that's their problem.

The Topiary Cow said...

Cow just thinks it is rotten that so many Bad People exist in this world.

And that so many people get away with things they shouldn't.

And that some mothers don't look out for their children.

Sad, sad, sad.


Stacey said...

It is too GD bad that your sister MIGHT come into town for Thanksgiving. "Sorry, sis, we have plans with the kids, catch ya next time." Or go visit her for Christmas. Or New Year's. Or Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

I betcha your sister will understand.

Forcedtoretirelegaleagle said...

God bless you! Every person who has commented has had sound advice and I have nothing that I can add except to agree that you absolutely should make your own holiday plans. When my 6 children got grown and had significant others' families to visit, etc. for the holidays, my husband and I started making our own plans. We have been to the boat in Vicksburg several years at Thanksgiving and drove to Branson, Missouri two years ago. Don't be a slave to who may or may not show up!

msudeere said...

clucky ,, first i am so sorry for what you went through.. as for the plans for thanksgiving i can relate to that so for all means go!!! my sister is a flight attendant and lives in nashville can't tell you how many times mom has told me don't plan anything cause sis is coming then pulls a no show . Your kids and mr man come first!!

mayberry said...

Clucky, sweet, funny, makes me snort with laughter with your snarky comments Clucky. Just because someone has the same blood in their veins as you do DOES NOT NECESSARILY MAKE THEM YOUR FAMILY. You owe your mother nothing.

My own family has just recently been blasted with what is apparently more rampant than we all realize - sexual abuse within families. And it stays hushed up and the victims live their whole lives and become different people because they aren't allowed to deal with it.

My heart aches for you and I BEG you to stop trying to care for a mother that apparently did nothing but push you out and leave you to fend for yourself, or might as well have.

I will be praying for you. What a difficult bunch of stuff to be dealing with.