Jan 9, 2008


Common symptoms and signs of


Heat intolerance




Increased bowel movements

Light or absent menstrual periods


Fast heart rate

Trembling hands

Weight loss

Muscle weakness

Warm moist skin

Hair loss

Staring gaze

We are all around the same age range, and thyroid problems are looking for us. Trust me.

So are a few other things-like scleroderma. Mostly women, but it gets dudes too. Mr. Fabulous's mom has Scleroderma, and there is a good chance that Mr. F will get it. Truvie, help me out: if an adult male 36 years old needs surgery, we would not intubate with a size 4.5 ET tube or use a 10 french foley, would we? Well, we had to. His 'holes' are little-NOT the hole-holder. Scleroderma literally means "Hardening of the skin." However, there are 2 main types-internal and external. Internal form causes constriction of the esophagus, ureters, trachea, lungs, kidneys, and yes, the heart. It is almost always fatal, but moves very slowly. External form causes constriction of the capillaries in the hands. The fingers contract, develop ulcers, and eventually the hands are unusable. same happens with the feet, legs...you can SEE this disease. It is autoimmune, and accompanied by extremeties turning blue when exposed to cold.

Sorry, that was my pet disease during and after nursing school. How small the odds that his mother has had the internal form for almost 20 years.


Supermom said...

wow, that's really big font =)

From the Doghouse said...

I feel like I was watching a medical show on TV.

Webmaster said...

My mother and grandmother both had thyroid problems. Fingers crossed that it isn't handed down another generation...

Anonymous said...

poor baby........havent checked on you in awhile, and when i do, you're still feeling bad..........hope you feel better SOON! mom's are too freakin busy to be sick!

watercolordaisy said...

how did your tests go???

CluckyRN said...

Haven't been yet..that's next Wednesday and Thursday, and I see the doc on Thursday afternoon.


From the Doghouse said...

How are you feeling now? Any different?

watercolordaisy said...

oh. sorry. Too many people I know having tests... I can't keep you all straight.

msudeere said...

Hope your feeling better and finally getting sleep

Supermom said...

Is it this afternoon you are going to the doc? Tests were yesterday and today, right? Sending good vibes...

Give us an update when you can!

msudeere said...

hope everything is going better and you have a great weekend

Truvie said...

Wow! I've been away for a while! Hope you are feeling better now!