1. We didn't get blown away tonight. Thank God.
2. I had to get a chest x-ray today before I go to the new doc. They should have NEVER made/allowed me bring the films home. Y'all know I am studying them damn things...
3. The scan that we thought would happen tomorrow has been again delayed a week-apparently radioactive iodine is dangerous shit in moderate quantities, so my dose won't get here until next Tuesday.
4. I have slept 3 of the last 64 hours. My head hurts, my back hurts, and I am pissed because I can hear HIM snoring from my seat in the living room. *Hrumph*Oh, and check mayberry's blog for another reason I am grumpy. I gotta buy batteries or somethin'......
5. Melton gets a new AICD today...Automated Internal Cardiac Defibrillator. That will be fun...because that damn thing shocks you without warning when your heart goes into V-Tach or V-Fib, which will probably happen every time he gets mad. Marshall's cartoons will get a boost from it! "Fried Frank!"
6. I am glad I have you guys for the pick me up...and Bec, ask your friend Friday night who is doing the scan..LOL Oh, and that pic above reminds me of you for some reason. Christy, I will go shampoo shopping on Thursday..PAYDAY! Supermom, please don't hate me for fibbing about the flat...my pulse was 130 less than 2 miles from home..it was raining and dark. That combination makes me have to change my 'draws!' Have patience-once I am healed, we gonna party like it's 1999! And I wanna ride in the white limo on GNO!!! Susan, I'm staying as close to home as I can to prevent the traveling freakouts. If they don't fix me, I will come calling!!! Doghouse, you are so nice..thanks for the kind words. All I catch is hell from everyone else...HAHAHA!
Now to go lie on my bed and fight demons until 5 minutes before I have to get up to go to work....THEN they let me sleep. Dammit.
Thanks, Y'all!
I thought we were getting blown away! Then someone mentioned storms to me in another light and I forgot to be scared. Hmmmmm
I think I'll skip asking Mr. Rodgers about who will do the scan. He might not find that funny.
I hope you got some sleep.
Hang in there. Thyroids can be a bitch. My mom's had so much drama with hers, I just keep waiting for mine to do a freak out. Glad you're seeing a specialist. Took Mom about 8 years and a little non-hodgkins lymphoma to see one. She'd always let her GP treat it!
HA! I knew you didn't have a flat! I could smell the stank all the way to my house.
A simple, I'm not feeling well would have been fine. Hell..as far as you had to drive it was totally understandable. I was shocked you said you were coming.
Just get better. Do what the doctor says... oh wait... not the idiot doctor... find a smart one... then do what he says to do....
They only give you hell because they're not used to someone calling their bluff! Remind them that nurses are smarter than doctors!
Oh, and that picture needs to be on a T-shirt.
"you can do it!" (says rob schnieder in waterboy) :)
love you, woman...
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