Feb 14, 2008

Heart-Shaped Mole...errr, Box

M's little friend that has me freaked out:

I've gotten all paranoid since becoming blog buddies with Marshall Ramsey, melanoma surivor and editorial cartoonist extraordinaire. He has inspired our family, plus a few teenagers, to participate in Run From the Sun on April 12 to raise money for melanoma research. Considering my Papaw died from it, and that we are the whitest white people on the planet, I took some pics tonight of my boys various and assundried moles and freckles. Here is the one that freaked me out:

But the consensus is that M's is more menacing than the huge one on C's back. We will be going to Jacktown soon. Thanks MR, for making me take the time to LOOK.


From the Doghouse said...

Even if it (hopefully) turns out to be nothing, it's best to get it checked!

msudeere said...

agree get it checked and hope everything goes well