Jun 19, 2008

Sucker Punch, Part III

The diagnosis: Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.
Staging and Prognosis will be determined after surgery.
Meet with a plastic surgeon on July 1 to determine reconstruction options.
Surgery date will be determined at that time.

More emotions and feelings than I can really voice at this time. I will probably start a new blog for all of this. It's so totally different from all the shit I try to convey on this blog-and I really feel like I will be coexisting on two separate planes-one as ME, the other as a daughter and caregiver of My Mom, the cancer patient. I have talked about Dad's illness, but this is 180 degrees different. I'm educated and a nurse this time around. I wasn't blindsided, and I will now very much be involved in the entire process, not humongously pregnant with twins with pre-eclampsia nipping at my heels.

Thanks for the love, y'all. I appreciate it.


watercolordaisy said...

hugs babe. prayers continuing. what is your mom's first name and i'll put her on my church's prayer list, too.

Supermom said...

Clucky, you are one strong woman. Your Mom is lucky to have you on her side. (hugs)

Susan said...

Hang in there. You know we're all thinking about you and pulling for your mom. For me one of the hardest things was feeling so damn helpless, but sometimes all you can do is be there and pray a lot. She's lucky to have you.

grammargirl said...

Call me anytime, and I mean that sincerely. I know you know this, but the right surgeon makes all the difference.