Aug 6, 2008

First Day of School 2008

Poor M...he somehow got a crick in his neck, so he was trying to show his eyes without moving his head...heh. Miss Thang is not well-represented, so indulge me in the second pic, which shows her in a 'better light,' yet shows her brother's agony. (And no, that was not plural, but possessive. I know how YOU are!) C's just looking good. First pic of the boys without braces in FIVE years!

I realize Miss Thang is mixing up dots and stripes, but she does her own thing with the clothes. As long as she's covered, she can get as funky as she wants!
Sadly, hopefully, there will only be one more like year, when they start their senior year.


Supermom said...

you kids are awesome! great pics!

Susan said...

I like the dots and stripes. Total style.

mayberry said...

She is SO pretty!!

I know the boys are ecstatic to have those braces off. I remember when I got mine off - WOOHOO!

From the Doghouse said...

Great pics. We barely had time to snap any this morning before they darted off.