Nov 25, 2008

Not Gone Forever...

I have NOT fallen from the face of the planet. Just been real busy. My phone that posted once to this blog decided to crap on that idea, so I haven't been able to send a new post. And that sucks too, because I have had some funny stuff that happens on the fly, but by the time I get home and have a chance to blog it, I'm too tired or have forgotten.
Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving.
To those of you unawares, I HATE the holidays, so do not be surprised if I keep it quiet for the next month. If I post, it will probably be depressing stuff, so it's probably just better if I go into hiding.
My solution? Someone could send me tickets for a six week vacation, effective immediately, with pay. Hell, time and a half. (If we're in fantasyland, let's make it good, shall we?)
To a land far, far away.


Jen said...

awwww. I love the holidays, but here's hoping you have good ones this year :) Ive missed your blogging too!

watercolordaisy said...

A vacation should be mandatory. Somewhere warm with rich single guys. Oh wait, that part might be for me...

From the Doghouse said...

Am I allowed to ask why you hate the holidays?

black betty said...

i can send you some valium. :)